Hannah Gómez

Where Else You'll Find Me​
Once upon a September 7, I was born. I was named Sarah Hannah Gómez, but I have always been called Hannah by everyone. (If you call me Sarah, I might not respond or even register that it's me you're trying to talk to.) I grew up where I was born, in Tucson, Arizona. It's hot there, so I was on a swim team every summer. Since I'm not remotely coordinated when it comes to sports that involve balls, I did Mexican dance, folklórico, mainly because it is not a sport but is still exercise, and also because my big sister did it, and also because I grew to love it. Whenever I was not doing those things, I was reading voraciously and learning to write by copycatting my favorite authors and writing Amelia's Notebook fanfiction before I knew what fanfic was.
I attended public schools from kindergarten through seventh grade, and from eighth grade until high school graduation I went to a private college preparatory school. I went to the University of Arizona as a pre-journalism major, quickly changed to musicology, and then when I realized I wasn't enjoying college, I flipped my music major and creative writing minors around and got out a semester early. I worked and volunteered for eight months before beginning graduate school.
I have traveled to nine different countries and a decent amount of U.S. states that I have not counted. I love to learn languages and speak Spanish and Portuguese competently. I pick up new sounds easily, so I can pretend that I know lots of other languages simply because I was able to sing in around 30 of them over my four years of college choir. I love sounds, which means I will happily pick up your language, mimic your accent, or sing anything made up of musical notes.
I'm on lots of social networking sites, but you have to keep in mind that they are all personal (except LinkedIn) and in no way reflect employers' opinions, nor are they intended to be examples of my professional work. My Facebook is intended for personal friends and family only and is not public.
You can see me on Tumblr, Twitter, Pinterest, GoodReads, or LinkedIn.