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Past Coursework

If you're interested in things I've explored as research, practical, or creative projects, here is a smattering of the stuff I've found most fun, interesting, or intellectually stimulating. You can also use the dropdown menus at the top of the page to view my resume, research interests, and most recent projects. If you'd like to know more, just get in touch.

  • LibraryThing Tutorial: Created with a partner a screencast tutorial on how to use LibraryThing in small libraries and archives (view here); fall 2012, LIS488: Technology for Information Professionals
  • ​Folksonomy/Tagging: Brief in-class presentation on the folksonomy/tagging method of cataloging and classification (view the handout here)fall 2012, LIS488.
  • The Inside of Outsiders: Presented with a partner research on how outsiders are presented in teen graphic novels, focusing on quirk theory and theories of visual rhetoric; summer 2012, CHL405: Special Topics in Children's Literature
  • Middle Grade Fantasy and Sci-fi: Group presentation on the qualities and tropes that make up these genres; summer 2012, LIS481: Children's Literature and Media Collections
  • ​Eishes Chayil's Hush: 12-page pathfinder for teachers or youth group leaders on suggested methods for reading, studying, and responding to this Morris Award-nominated novel, including suggested activities using AASL standards linked to the Common Core (view here); summer 2012, LIS481
  • A Revolt Through Hair: Resistance to Kate Greenaway's Idealized Style in Illustrations of African American Children: A paper analyzing famed illustrator Kate Greenaway's idealization of children and childhood, putting it in conversation with contemporary picturebooks depicting African American children; spring 2012, CHL403: The Picturebook
  • ​​Untangling Ambiguities and Creating New Ones: Paper on intertextuality in Jacqueline Woodson's Locomotion; fall 2011, CHL401​
  • Magic from Mom, Magic for Jamie: Feminist analysis of Carolyn Coman's What Jamie Saw, exploring mother-son expectations; fall 2011, CHL401​
  • Toccata of Galuppi's: A Musical Approach: In-class presentation and analysis of the Browning poem, linking the poem's structure to music theory; fall 2010, ENGL465: Victorian Literature
  • The Blossoms of Morality: In an assignment to act as a book editor, prepared a modern edition of an early American text never before published for contemporary readers. Wrote an introduction and footnotes for a portion of Richard Johnson’s The Blossoms of Morality, a cautionary tale for children; fall 2009, ENGL486: Special Topics in American Literature
  • The Sephardic Romance: Ethnographic report and accompanying powerpoint and multimedia presentation on women’s roles in Sephardic music; fall 2009, MUS334H: Music in World Cultures.
  • ​Proposed Cataloging Scheme for Worlds of Words: With a group, developed a theoretical cataloging and organization scheme for an existing library, the Worlds of Words collection at the University of Arizona; spring 2012, LIS415: The Organization of Information
  • ​Librarians and Behavioral Health Professionals: The Missing Link: Conducted a literature review and interviews and wrote a paper arguing the benefits of youth services librarians working with behavioral health professionals to provide targeted and innovative services; spring 2012, LIS422: Literacy and Services to Underserved Populations
  • Men and Women of the Corporation: An analysis and accompanying powerpoint presentation on the book by Rosabeth Moss Kanter, applying her study to current issues in library management; fall 2011, LIS404: Management
  • Problematic Anna Hibiscus: Boutique or Authentic? Paper on boutique multiculturalism (Stanley Fish theory) and Atinuke's Anna Hibiscus; fall 2011, CHL401: Criticism of Children's Literature

© 2014 by Sarah Hannah Gómez ​



hannahgomez AT gmail DOT com

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