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I studied piano formally from the age of 9 to 19, and then again for two semesters in college. Among the many pieces I learned, some of my favorites were "Sonata Pathètique" (Beethoven), "Poem" (Fibich), "Melancholia" (Ellington), "Sonata in D" (Haydn), and "Waltz" (Khachaturyan). I don't have much time to play now, nor do I have a piano in my tiny apartment in Boston, but I miss studying piano and am very grateful that I was able to study it as much as I did. 


After singing in choir and musical theatre on and off during middle and high school, I auditioned for a college choir and first became a member of the University Singers and the University Kantorei at the University of Arizona. Some of my favorite pieces to sing were "Va, pensiero, sull'ali dorate" (Verdi), "Ballad of Heroes" (Britten), "Omnia Sol (Let Your Heart Be Staid" (Stroope), "Ov'é, Lass', Il Bel Viso?" (Lauridsen), "Fortuna Imperatrix Mundi" (Orff), and "Daemon Irrepit Callidus" (Orban). As a member of the Collegium Musicum, an ensemble dedicated to early music, I sang Bach's "Cantata No. 4" and a variety of early madrigals and other pieces. During the 2010-2011 school year (my final semester of college and the semester following), I sang in the Recital Choir, where some of our repertoire included "He, Watching Over Israel" (Mendelssohn), "Nänie" (Brahms), and "Fuji" (Hovhaness).

I was also lucky enough in college to begin studying voice privately, which I did for two semesters. Some of my favorite solo pieces: "Ici-bas" (Fauré), "Psyche" (Paladilhe), and "Amarilli, mia bella" (Caccini).

Winter 2011, I sang as an alto in Coro Vocal Artists, an organization that provides "season passes" to online concert-quality recordings of contemporary and historical choral music. Coro also offers educational and lab opportunities for singers, composers, and conductors. I sang in the winter 2013 season of the Revels Singers in Watertown, MA. At Castilleja, I'm part of an employee singing group called Staff Inflection.

What I love to do in my free time is time travel and pretend to be Judy, Ella, Billie, Lena, Marilyn, or any other singer from back in the day. If someone handed me a stool and a microphone and told me they had a pianist and a bar waiting, I'd drop out of school in a second and just sing old pop and jazz standards forever.


In the meantime, I'm always seeking out new ways to be musical, like joining new choirs or working as a studio singer. Drop me a line if you want to chat.

© 2014 by Sarah Hannah Gómez ​



hannahgomez AT gmail DOT com

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